Harinera Vilafranquina
Company specializing in flour and durum wheat semolina production
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A diploma has been awarded to our company by the OFFICIAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF ARÉVALO.

On the 22nd of November, during a public act held in Arévalo and promoted by the council’s OFFICIAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA was awarded a Diploma which recognizes good business practice. The diploma was presented to our Manager, Don Carlos Rodríguez, by the Chamber chairman, Don Ángel Partearroyo.  The company was also represented by the Commercial Manager, Don José Miguel Pérez Arregui.
During the award-giving ceremony various contributions the company has made to the region were highlighted, such as: improvement in farming conditions in the area; the positive effect on transport and logistical activity in general; the revitalization and fostering of industry due to important investments which have been made and the creation of jobs. According to the Chamber representative, “all these factors have contributed inmensely to the fact that new companies have also established themselves in Arévalo”.
On our side, we would like to thank once again the OFFICIAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF ARÉVALO for the award and we would like to reiterate our satisfaction in having established ourselves in this wonderful region.